Saturday, June 26, 2010


Social Security has been advancing trust funds to government to pay bills since before the elections.  Both the past and present governments have been dipping their sticky fingers into the Social Security Fund.  The borrowing, we are told, is meant to meet their monthly recurrent salary bills.  

Why is it that I feel a personal slight at receiving this information? After all, I have never made any social security contributions.  I am retired now.  When I worked as an attorney self-employed persons were not required to make contributions.  The Social Security Board will never have to advance one red cent to me. None of my personal funds are invested in Social Security.

Yet I feel more than slighted: outraged, soiled, and dirtied even, at this information.

Am I right to feel instinctively that, no matter what the circumstances, this is a breach of trust by the Board?  Or, is it just that there is something wrong with me, and I am being super sensitive?

While we are dealing with section 7 of the Constitution and government’s power to confiscate private property let us spend a few minutes looking at the question of government “borrowing” money from Social Security.  

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