Friday, October 15, 2010

Gavin Rossdale Admits To Gay Fling With Singer Marilyn

"Gavin and Gwen are perfect for each other, but he was the love of my life," Marilyn told In Touch, adding that he dated Gavin for five years in the early '80s. When Boy George first discussed the former couple's romance in his 1995 memoir, Take It Like A Man, Marilyn kept quiet, even when Gavin denied their love. "He was just becoming successful in America," Marilyn explained. "I agreed to lie against every grain of my being." Now that Gavin has come clean about the relationship, Marilyn isn't feeling totally vindicated. "I think it's really hypocritical that Gavin can do an interview about me, yet me doing one about him is wrong!" he said today on his Facebook more

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