Thursday, August 14, 2008


Why Don’t You Check your Facts First? I keep getting asked this. At first I was annoyed by the question. The answer should have been obvious. Now, I just ignore any comments to this effect that I receive. But, in fairness, and for the record, perhaps I should explain myself. If only so that, when you see me publishing something you know is not true, you will just smile and shrug your shoulders at yet another error, and at most send me a correction for publishing in the comments section.

This is a blog, for Heaven’s sake. A blog is a diary of personal thoughts and opinions. A blog is not a newspaper. I am not a journalist. I do not have research assistants. I do not investigate the facts. Any one who wants news and facts will not get them here. They should listen to 97.7 FM at 6:30 am and 95.5 FM at 7:00 am to get the local news. Or, they can read The Anguillian or The Light. These media publish news. This blog does not publish news.

I have my concerns. They revolve around the Anguilla public service and the personal and professional conduct of the individuals who serve Anguilla in a public capacity. I have strong views about how they are supposed to behave. What is needed in Anguilla is for more people to express their views and concerns about behaviour in public life. Through such discussion, we may come to some understanding, if not a consensus, on which standards are not acceptable, and which are. If anyone does not like it, too bad. We used to play a game as children. It was called, “Who vex, lose”. You know the rules.

Like all of us, I read and I listen. I have my own thoughts on what I read and on what I hear. It helps me to understand and contextualize things that I have heard and read if I put my thoughts and reactions down in writing. Once I hear or read a story within my area of interest, I start thinking about how it impacts Anguilla. I write to think. I seldom have the time or resources to properly investigate whether the story I have heard or read is all or partly true. This blog is not a record of facts and truths. It is nothing more than me thinking out aloud about the issues that concern me that have come to my attention.

I depend on those who email me or telephone me with stories to get their facts right. If they do not, and I should happen to republish facts that are not true, I depend on my readers to correct the errors. That is never something that causes me any hurt or concern. I am happy to publish corrections and alternative views. I am upset whenever I learn that I have got some facts wrong. I hasten to post a correction when that happens. But, I am not going to hold up my thought processes until I am sure I have got all the facts right.

This blog consists of my personal musings. They are not necessarily meant to elicit a comment from anyone. If I should be so honoured as to have someone read what I have written, and then for that person to be sufficiently concerned as to want to publish a comment on what I have written, I am doubly honoured. Whether the comment is supportive, or the contrary.

But, do not expect to read carefully researched facts or academic analysis on this blog. That is not what this blog is about.

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