Sunday, August 10, 2008

Carnival Riot

Stabbed to Death. I am too old for Carnival. So, I missed “Last Lap”. That was yesterday, Saturday. Seems like a good thing I did, too. One young man was stabbed to death. Orlando Johnson, a 21-year old Jamaican national and Anguillian gang member, died this morning from injuries received in an exchange of stabs.

Penny Legg has the most perceptive observations on the incident. You can read what she says for yourself at her blog. It is astonishing to read that we had to bring police officers over from St Martin to help quell the riot.

She wrote those words before we learned that the young man has since died.

His mother is said to have received stab wounds while putting him in a car to take him to the hospital. There is no word on her condition at this time. God knows how many others received injuries in the riot.

As one Anguillian said, things will not improve until we give the children what they need: love, attention, and encouragement. Our failure as a society over the past twenty years to bring up our children with values and standards is a national tragedy that is only now beginning to bear its evil fruit.

When the news of this killing hits the tourist circulars, what is the betting that tourism this coming season will take an even bigger hit than we were expecting? What a mess we are in.

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