Friday, November 12, 2010

Skyline Movie review | Skyline movie online

skyline movie is released on today(12.11.2010) in North america. This movie is based on war.

This year’s answer to “Independence Day” is a special effects experiment in search of a movie, much like the far-lower budget (and somewhat more effective) “Monsters,” now playing in a few theaters.

A bunch of attractive 20somethings party all night and wake up to an unearthly light. Vaporish fireballs fall all over Los Angeles. And then people are sucked skyward into beast-ships where, we can assume, they’re dinner guests — the main course. The wrinkle here is, you look into the light, you’re drawn to it.

Eric Balfour of TV’s “24″ and “Haven” is Jared, prepared to stick-like-glue to his newly-pregnant girlfriend Elaine (Scottie Thompson, of TV’s “Trauma.” They were visiting Terry, played by Donald Faison of TV’s “Scrubs.”

You see a pattern here? Faison might have had the Will Smith role, that of the hip black guy who growls “Aw HELL no.” But no. he only shoots his pistol at the beasties and yells “You want some’a that?” Or words to that effect. 

The survivors of those first abductions bicker or whether to hunker down or make a break for it. Time passes through time-lapse photography as they hide out. They watch a lot of what transpires through a spotting scope through the windows of Terry’s penthouse.

Click Here for Skyline movie online.

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