Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Jailbreak for Ireland: H3G blocks access to Cydia on 3G!

On the Web is spreading a strange news that the Irish iPhone users would notice, these days, impossibility to access and properly use Cydia on your Jailbroken devices. The cause, apparently, seems to relate to a "freeze" imposed by the operator H3G iralndese to all the iPhone trying to connect to the server and then Saurik Cydia.

Trying to open the program, in fact, will not load the home of Cydia and if you try to load new packages in the list of repositories installed, you will receive the classic mistake "Refreshing Data". Currently, therefore, the Irish people will no longer have access to Cydia on 3G network based on data provided by H3G.

If this block is adopted by all operators world we would find itself before a major obstacle for Cydia and then to the Jailbreak. We are not able to tell you, in fact, if Saurik, creator of Cydia, or not be able to develop a system that can bypass the blockade imposed by H3G.

H3G will adopt the same policy with the Italian people?

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