Thursday, September 6, 2007


Get a Life! Does posting this Blog have to be the center piece of my life? A cousin recently asked me the question, “Don, isn’t it time for you to get back a life”? That was a criticism of this Blog, I guess. Is the Blog my main interest in life? No, it is not! I have other obligations and interests. Could it be that some of these have suffered due to my concentrating on the Blog? Should I be getting back to some of my other activities? Probably.

The Blog was started on a compulsion. It was a knee-jerk reaction to what I saw as our media’s complete ignoring of critical social issues. There are lots of them. Back in December, when I started to post, they were apparent to all. Yet, no one seemed to be concerned.

When you have a compulsive personality, as I do, things get started instantly. Things get stopped just as abruptly as they got started. I recognise the symptoms. That is how we compulsives live our lives. We develop overwhelming passions overnight. But, they fade away just as spontaneously and unexpectedly. There is a risk of this happening to the Blog. I feel it in my bones.

Being threatened with a law suite by the government ministers I voted for has not helped! It tends to have a depressing effect! On being a major contribution at this time to my enjoyment of life, I give the Blog a score of 2 out of 10.

Let me thank all those who sent in encouraging comments, to the last two posts especially. The one on the history of the average Blog was enlightening. The suggestion that I do not try to keep up the frenetic pace of the past was well taken. If you read the comments, I hope you will understand why postings are going to slow down and become more sporadic now.

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