Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Any Targets Left? It is time to do an evaluation of this Blog. This is an unsettling time for the Blog. Are we going forward or backwards? It may pay dividends to strategise if we are to go forward. So, some thoughts on the purpose and value of the Blog follow in this and the next two posts.

We have dealt with a multiplicity of topics over the past several months. There is no need to itemize those issues that have been dealt with in past posts. They are all listed in the panel on the right under the heading “Labels”. By clicking on any label, you will immediately have every relevant item gathered together on one page for you to look at.

Are there any worthwhile targets left? It sometimes seems to me that I am running out of new subjects to talk about. The ideas no longer come flowing out of the keyboard without effort. It takes more discipline and application now to get the posts out regularly. I have tried to be equal-opportunity offensive in choosing targets for this Blog. Family and friends were not spared. Eventually, one must run out of even worthwhile family and friends to pick on. I have re-visited old topics where I thought they could benefit from a re-airing. I can only do that so often, and then it will appear to be just re-cycling used material. In recent months, there has been a falling off in contributions by new contacts. There is just the steady list of correspondents who were willing to contribute from the first days.

Are there any worthwhile targets left? Is there anyone who still wishes to begin making contributions, but has not done so as yet? Unless you convince me otherwise, I give the Blog a score of 3 out of 10 on the prospects for finding worthwhile new targets.

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