Monday, February 14, 2011

Nokia CEO Elop has only Microsoft shares

Elop has continued but for a comprehensive package of Microsoft shares. The information caused a stir because Elop had only announced on Friday that Nokia does the future Microsoft operating system Windows Mobile as a central platform for its smartphones. At the same time he announced massive job cuts, not least in the home country of the former mobile phone world market leader.

Nokia pointed to the newspaper publications in Helsinki that Elop had an option to purchase 500 000 shares. Personal shareholdings of top managers is generally regarded as an important symbolic expression of their confidence in the company in question.

Elop himself had admitted on Sunday at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, still own Microsoft stock from his time with the world's largest software company. He was following his move from Microsoft first allowed to sell any shares. Then he started to reduce its participation.

However, discussions on the adoption of Microsoft's smartphone operating system Windows Mobile 7 would have stopped this process. "Due to the insider trading provisions, I now dufte during ongoing negotiations, no shares or sell them." He would push off soon but his remaining Microsoft stake and buy Nokia shares. According to the information sheet of the economic "Kauppalehti" Elop has sold 26 000 200 000 Microsoft shares.

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