Saturday, February 12, 2011

Safety GNU / Linux compromised by the use of USB

GNU / Linux is a very secure operating system, but not infallible. This has been demonstrated in the ShmooCon hacker conference. The safety specialist IBM's X-Force, Jon Larimer, demonstrated with a specially rigged pendrive had a security hole.

The origin of the fault is in the Evince package and the ability of some distributions automatically mount USB devices. Evince generates a thumbnail that is displayed in Nautilus and in the process installs an exploit that takes control of the system with current user privileges.

The free community monitors the source itself, though one thinks otherwise and has a higher resilience to big business and bureaucracy, so that the fault is corrected and updated Evince is sufficient.

When we speak in Genbeta of antivirus online, in a comment might read a certain reluctance to use this software for prevention. Blunder, not to mention more than one user is working in root mode to save consistently enter key.

Always pay attention to what you do, because human ingenuity has no limits and the popularity of this great operating system, sooner or later you become a target for malware. As heard in a movie whose name I forget: "If you can imagine, can be done."

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