Saturday, February 12, 2011

UberMedia, company behind UberTwitter and Tweetie, buy TweetDeck

Do you remember the days when customers appeared in droves to Twitter and nothing like weed? Well, it seems that it lags behind. Gradually, the market for customers to Twitter (and social networks in general) is focusing more and more in a few applications, which belong to a still smaller number of companies.

That's why the recently announced purchase by UberMedia TweetDeck is simply another step in that direction (for those who do not know, UberMedia is the company that owns renowned clients like TweetDeck, Twidroyd and Echofon). In Error 500, Antonio Ortiz says that this transanccion UberMedia monitor customers from those who write 20% of all tweets.

What changes can we expect the users? Rather small. Both UberTwitter as UberMedia Echofon were acquired by a little over a month, and since then has not announced any "change of direction in the development cycle of both products, so presumably the same will happen with TweetDeck. For now it's just a change in ownership.

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