Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Windows 7 Phone arrives at the 8000 applications in the Marketplace

Windows Phone 7 Marketplace appears to continue to rise, especially now with the covenant sealed with Nokia to distribute Microsoft's operating system. In the last two weeks has increased the number of applications to a total of 8000, a step that brings a drop over the future stability of Windows Phone 7 on the market.

This information is heightened its importance if we look at the number who had his rivals at the time. In the case of Android it took 11 months to get 10,000 applications after its official release. And if we are to iOS had some that seem very even to Windows Phone 7, taking about six months the Apple Store to reach this milestone.

With more than 54% of payment applications, and 74% of Anglo-language applications, the Marketplace Microsoft seem to have much life ahead. Major industry players such as Yahoo (with Flickr), and Amazon with its Kindle have landed recently promoting this idea, and now that Nokia is intended to attract enough developers to accelerate the pace of growth.

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