Friday, October 8, 2010


St. Ignatius of Loyola - the Founder of the Society of Jesus, is never a traitor to the Pope and the Teachings of the Church. Below he is shown paying respect to Pope Paul III.

OPEN JESUIT HERETICAL DISSENT: Manila Bulletin, Oct. 8, 2010: REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH BILL by Emeterio Barcelon, S.J.. After a bunch of theological, philosophical, and scientific errors in his article, Fr. Barcelon, S.J. states: “Catholic teaching is against artificial means of contraception. Can this teaching change in the future? Possible but present discipline is that artificial contraception like the use of pills, condoms, etc., is morally wrong. How wrong? Debatable on intrinsic arguments. Here is where conscience comes in. Although it is declared morally wrong or a sin, some moral theologians opine that artificial contraception is not seriously wrong in itself. Therefore some theologians say you can follow the dictates of your conscience…” “…conscience is the ultimate decision maker. Disobeying might not be such a serious sin…”

CRITIQUE OF BARCELON’S POSITION: The heretical dissent of Fr. Emeterio Barcelon, S.J. maintains that it is possible that the Catholic Church’s teaching against contraception can change to allow contraception in the future (since for Barcelon, S.J. we are merely dealing with changeable Church discipline, not definitive doctrine on morals). Against this type of moral perversion (typically espoused by many Jesuits), Pope Pius XII firmly stated that the Catholic Church’s teaching against contraception “is as valid today as it was yesterday, and it will be the same tomorrow and always, because it does not imply a precept of human law, but it is the expression of a law which is natural and divine.”(PIUS XII, Address to Midwives, Oct. 29, 1951). Pius XII here is repeating what Pope Pius XI stated in his 1930 Encyclical “Casti connubii.”

Against the heretical dissent of Fr. Emeterio Barcelon, S.J., on contraception we have Pope John Paul II who stated in 1988: “In qualifying the contraceptive act as intrinsically illicit, Paul VI intended to teach that this moral norm is such that it admits of no exceptions: no circumstances whether personal or social have ever been able, are able, or will ever be able to make such an act an intrinsically ordered act. The existence of particular norms in the area of man’s activity in this world which have such an obligatory force as to exclude always and every possibility of exceptions, is a constant teaching of the Tradition and of the Magisterium of the Church that cannot be questioned by a Catholic theologian.”(JOHN PAUL II, Address to Participants of the Second International Congress of Moral Theology, Sala Clementina, Vatican City, 12 November 1988, no. 5).

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